(Harmony in Native American)
Unique Shows & Fakirisme
Outcome of twenty years of
Passion, observation, feeling with animals …
Experiences, meetings, sharing with different artists …
Proof that Love, Trust, Tenacity and FAITH are CREATORS.

Action comedian, artist, me? … Yes, but Fakir!
I remember the first time I had to take the role of fakir, wader and fire-eater not knowing to practice none of the 3. I had hardly that the day before to manufacture the material and to train. The next day I am on stage in street performance while I was still equestrian stunt!
Since then, the performances evolve with my teammates. Adjustments in settings, the hazards of the show & our small mistakes even, led us to climb on the fakir lying on the nailboard, a pony and then an entire horse.
We are happy to share our talents with you.
… by destiny (!)
Unpublished number to the world of performer fakirism
Harmony (Asagota) & Performance of the horse (and also dromedary, bear, tiger), its trainer & fakir.
Highlight of the show, for even more thrills and emotions!
Evolution & Creation continue with other artists & other universes
Asagota offers a modular show, which you like, according to your tastes, your affinities, your wishes and your budget.
Fakir (broken stone, inflamed ice bread, worn “in sandwich” and from 1 to 8 people on the nail board, worn and crossed on the carpet of crushed glasses, head in basket of glasses) in traditional Indian or many less wise the “gadjo dilo”, the cowboy groom, the sleeper or the eccentric & Charmeuse snakes, burlesque comedians, cabaret actress, juggler, acrobat, dancer, fire eaters, waders, not to mention, of course, trainers & their talented partners (!) …… for an interactive staging with the audience.
Dream show in the world
Indoors (stage 6x4 m minimum) as outdoors. Galas, festivals, seminars, private parties and corporate … Cabaret atmosphere, comic, magical, steampunk, 20s …
It’s you who choose,
To our greatest delight !